I received an official looking “Census” document all gussied up to look like official sexy government business, though discreetly qualified in the fine print to tell me otherwise. Naturally, there was also an appeal for a donation. According to Steele, here was my opportunity to speak for my neighbors and influence the strategic direction of future RNC campaigns – all he wanted me to do was answer a bunch of carefully phrased questions. Such as:
5. Do you think the record trillion dollar federal deficit the Democrats are creating with their out-of-control spending is going to have disastrous consequences for our nation?
Answer options are Yes, No, or No Opinion. There is no place to comment on the descriptor “out-of-control.”
10. Do you believe the Federal Government should take over America’s health care system?
Yes, No, No Opinion. Is that option being considered somewhere???
...and on National Defense:
1. Do you believe the Obama Administration is right in dramatically scaling back our nation’s military?
3. Do you trust the Democrats to take all steps necessary to keep our nation secure in this age where terrorists could strike our country at any moment?
Hey – what was that noise??
Anyway, I hope to do my part in helping the RNC shape their talking points.